인도네시아에서 교환학생 인턴으로 온 학생에게 해준 프리젠테이션 스킬에 관한 조언.

이렇게 말하는 나야말로 이렇게 하고 있는지는 나도 모르겠지만...

Following is general presentation skills.

First of all, when you talking to people, use so easy words as possible. Even though your professor should know everything that you are telling, it looks that you don't understand physics behind what you've done if you say with difficult words (specially, words that you don't know exactly.)

Second, do not skip logical steps. because of the same reason as above, it seems that you don't fully understand what you saying. It can be simplified, but cannot be skipped. For the case of too long explanation, if you are not able to simplify it, that means you don't understand it enough.

Third, try to use quantitative words. 'good' or 'better' is qualitative, whereas '10% higher' or '0.1 mW is observed' is quantitative. It is impossible to say everything quantitatively, but it needs to try quantitatively speaking.

Finally, Think that audiences know nothing even though you think that they are much better than you. Regards them as just undergraduate students.

by snowall 2013. 12. 2. 10:33