Rensseler 대학에서 뭔가 왔다.
As you complete your application for graduate study, hopefully at Rensselaer,
we offer to you these important reminders.
Please make sure that you have taken all required tests for your program.
Communicate with faculty in your department of choice; let them know the
areas of research that interest you along with your educational and research
Develop a Statement of Background and Goals that matches your academic goals, and
the focus of the program to which you are applying.
Submit your application and all supporting credentials to Rensselaer no later than
January 1, 2008, to be fully considered for admission, fellowships, and assistantships.
FEE WAIVED - Complete this form and we will waive the $75 graduate application fee.
Please respond to the last question on the form by selecting "GRE".
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist you with the application process
or help you to connect with faculty in an area of interest.
좋아보이죠? 해석은 각자...
특히 FEE WAIVED는 75달러의 전형료를 면제해준다는 뜻이다.
근데, 오늘 또 한통의 메일이 왔다.
you that your application fee would be waived if you completed a form on our website. Unfortunately,
this email was sent to you in error, and we are not able to offer you a waiver of the application fee.
We apologize for this oversight, and still encourage you to submit an application if you have not already
done so. We wish you the best in all of your educational pursuits.
"진짜 진짜 미안한데, 전형료 면제는 공지가 잘못 나간 거다"는 뜻. 이미 접수 완료 했으면 일단은 면제 해 주겠다. 아직 안했으면, 진짜 미안하고, 돈은 내야겠지만 그래도 지원 좀 많이 해줬으면 좋겠다고 한다.
음...미국도 똑같구나 -_-;