버지니아 대학의 이승훈 교수가 천안함 조사 결과의 조작 가능성을 제기하는 논문을 썼다.

공짜니까 그냥 가서 읽어보자.

대강 읽어봤는데, 이승훈 교수는 천안함 사고와 관련된 실험을 진행하였고 그 실험 결과를 받아들인다면 천안함 조사 결과 보고서와 모순이 발생한다고 주장한다.

재료쪽은 잘 몰라서 아무래도 재료공학 전공하는 친구에게 물어봐야겠다. 뭔소린지는...-_-;

Was the "Critical Evidence" presented in the South Korean Official Cheonan Report Fabricated?
Authors: S.-H. Lee
(Submitted on 3 Jun 2010 (v1), last revised 11 Jun 2010 (this version, v3))

    Abstract: The official Cheonan report [1] presented two "critical scientific evidences" that link the sinking of the South Korean navy corvette Cheonan to the alleged explosion of a North Korean torpedo: the now-infamous "No. 1" ink mark on the torpedo, and the EDS and x-ray data of the three "adsorbed materials" extracted from the ship, the torpedo and a small-scale test-explosion, respectively. In our previous paper [2], we pointed out that the EDS and x-ray data are self-contradicting. Here we report our SEM, EDS, and x-ray experiments on an Al powder that underwent melting and quenching. Our results show that their EDS data of the two samples from the ship and torpedo must be fabricated. Therefore, until the South Korean Joint Investigation Group (JIG) can convince the international scientific communities with their story, their official conclusion that the torpedo sank the Cheonan ship should be discarded.

Comments:     an experiment of heating and rapid quenching of crystalline Al sample was added
Subjects:     Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci)
Cite as:     arXiv:1006.0680v3 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]

by snowall 2010. 6. 20. 16:16