You are faced a door to enter the magic land. You should solve the problem given by the gate-keeper. The gate-keeper chooses a positive integer. In order to solve the problem, you say a number per one trial to the gate-keeper. If your number is equal or greater than the answer, the gate-keeper shouts "Sh!". If your number is less than the answer, the gate-keeper shouts "Brabo!" You must provide the exact number to the gate-keeper. You are allowed six times to say an answer.
Moreover, after the gate-keeper says "Sh!" three times, you have to say the exact answer.
Question 1 : What is the greatest number chosen by the gate-keeper in order that there always exists the way to solve the problem? Question 2 : Then, by the Question 1, What is the number to say first in order to state to the exact answer?